Ravalli Head Start is participating in Montana Harvest of the Month!!
Each month, our preschool along with other participating centers, K-12 schools, and healthcare facilitates throughout Montana will showcase one locally or Montana grown or raised food by
a) serving it in a meal or snack,
b) offering taste tests to children, and
c) doing educational activities.
The two primary goals for this program are to expose students to new, healthy foods and to support Montana’s farmers and ranchers.
December Food of the Month
PCarrots are this month’s Harvest of the Month! Carrots originated in Central Asia over a thousand years ago, but became popular in Europe in the thirteenth century.
Did you know that carrots were originally purple to black in color, and not orange? Carrots originated in central Asia over one thousand years ago. Today there are over a hundred varieties of carrots that come in many colors--purple, black, yellow, orange, red, and white. In the US, we typically only see orange carrots at grocery stores, but often you can find other colors at farmers markets too.
Carrots are well known for containing high amounts of beta carotene, an antioxidant which is a form of vitamin A. Beta carotene is important for eyesight, skin, and growing bodies. For “x-ray vision” be sure to pack carrots as snacks or add to your meals. Carrots are an easy addition since they are delicious raw or cooked. Grate carrots to add to salad, slaw, or sandwiches. Roast carrots as a delicious side dish or alternative to French fries!
Check out MontanaFarmToSchool for more fun facts.
Missoula Early Head Start Menu
Ravalli Head Start Menu
Ravalli Early Head Start Menu
North Valley Head Start Menu
Milk is served with breakfast and lunch daily:
(whole milk for 1-2 year olds, 1% milk for 2-3 year olds, skim milk for 3-5 year olds).
WG= Whole-grain or whole-grain rich.
Water is served on demand throughout the day.
Menu is subject to change without notice.
Ravalli Head Start, Inc. and USDA are an equal opportunity provider and employer.